Chandigarh or city beautification, because it is indeed one of the best known example of planning and construction of a soul to it. Chandigarh's name literally translated as "fortress of origin." This is because the city is known as a temple of the goddess near the origin of the establishment also has a fort in its vicinity. Origin in the Hindu goddess Shakti or power symbol, is whether PT. Nehru hoped to show to the world.

Urban planning and construction by the French architect Le Corbusier. He designed the city on the line every part of the human body a symbol of a particular area. The city plan, is considered one of the cleanest cities in the country. It is a union territory of seven countries and serve as capital of two states, Punjab and Haryana, respectively. There are two satellite towns, Panchkula and Mohali is located in the periphery of Chandigarh.

Urban beautification is a paradise for tourists, there are many places of awe-inspiring and attractive enough to re-examine. Each region has its own significance and a very poor place to force all visitors. Chandigarh is one of the most environmentally friendly city, which is due to a number of parks and gardens located in different cities. One of the most important attractions, the city's gardens and parks dotted all over the place.
Some of the most beautiful parks in Chandigarh, has developed a Nek Chand rock garden, which is a signature landmark of Chandigarh. The Rock Garden is named after its founder Nek Chand. He is a road check with the state Department of Public Works. The park is considered confidential and he developed in 1957 in the same way. But local authorities to understand the miracle of this great region and changed its name to the rock garden. This is a sculpture garden, an area of more than forty acres. The whole garden is built from discarded home and industrial waste. The material has been recovered by the system and used in every part of the garden.

NEK Chand's rock garden design looks like a lost kingdom, it is a complex maze of paths, gateways, steps, beautiful waterfalls, huge garden, porch. Garden near the Sukhna Lake Sector 1. There are huge fluctuations in the garden, is one of the most fascinating things here. Most of the sculptures from scrap and other waste such as bottles, glasses, bracelets, ceramic tile, ceramic basin, sink, is a waste of electricity. Abundant use of ceramics in the entire region. One of the sculptures from the garden or even in India stamps in 1983.